When will ZBGIS be operational? The cadastre is restricted from 7.1.2025 (updated)

For many citizens, the electronic cadastre does not work. The ESKN portal and ZBGIS or CICA are not functional. The departmental portal skgeodesy.sk initially had no information on the subject.

the cadastre is not working
cadastre,cadastre is not working,in limited mode - When will ZBGIS be operational? The cadastre is restricted from 7.1.2025 (updated) 4

Information first circulated on the Internet that the catastery had been the target of a cyber attack. The Finsider website was reportedly contacted by a cadastre employee, who should have received a cyber-attack warning from the management. Part of that warning included that employees were not to turn on their computers.

At the same time, the Ministry of the Interior issued a vague announcement that the cadastre will operate in a limited mode and due to the necessary adjustments to the information systems, the cadastral departments of the district offices on Tuesday, 7 January 2025 will not provide services and will operate only in a limited mode in the following days.

cadastre in limited mode, not working
cadastre,cadastre is not working,in limited mode - When will ZBGIS be operational? The cadastre is restricted from 7.1.2025 (updated) 5

When will the cadastre be operational?

Later, both the ÚGKK SR and the government admitted that it was indeed a cyber-attack. The first press conference was “called” by the Department of Cadastre only on 9.1.2025, where only TA3 TV was invited. They stated that they have the cadastre data and their restoration will be possible, in what period of time, they did not comment.

A government press conference held on January 10, 2025 shows that the cadastre data has been preserved and the cadastres in the districts could gradually become operational next week. However, the press conference did not mention when access to cadastral data via the internet would be operational. It is therefore not clear when portals such as ZBGIS, CICA and the ESKN portal will be operational and whether backups of these web applications have been maintained.

These applications were last mentioned when the Cadastre Department planned to limit access to the cadastre via the Internet to registered users only. It was justified by the protection of personal data, more on this topic can be found in an earlier article.

Update: As of 22.1.2025 the title deeds are available on cica.vugk.sk.

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